વિકિકોશ:શબ્દ અનુક્રમણિકા
અ (A)
- અગ્નિ: (Pronounce: Agni) Fire, One of the 4 secondary directions, south-east
- અગમ: (Pronounce: Agam) Advance
- અનુક્રમણિકા: (Pronounce: Anukramanika) Index
- અને: (Pronounce:ane) And
- અકબંધ: (Pronounce: Akabandh) Unopenned
- અકલ્પિત: (Pronounce: Akalpit) Unexpected
- અખાત: (Pronounce: Akhaat) Gulf
- અક્ષાંશ: (Pronounce: Akshaansh) Latitude
- અખરોટ: (Pronounce: Akharot) Walnut
- અખબાર: (Pronounce: Akhabaar) News Paper
- અખૂટ: (Pronounce: Akhoot) Inexhaustible
- અજ્ઞાન: (Pronounce: Agnaan) Illiterate
- અગાશી: (Pronounce: Agaashi) Terrace
- આકાશ: (Pronounce: Aakaash) Sky (Synonyms:ગગન)
- આંખ: (Pronounce: Aankh) Eye (Synonyms:નેત્ર,નયન,ચક્ષુ)
- આશીર્વાદ: Blessings
- આશિષ: (Pronounce: Aashish) Blessings
- આઝાદ: (Pronounce: Aazaad) Independent
- આજ: (Pronounce: Aaj) Today
- આખલો: (Pronounce: Aakhalo) Bull
- આગાહી: (Pronounce: Aagaahi) Forecast
- આદેશ: (Pronounce: Aadesh) Ordar
ઇ (E)
- ઈશાન: (Pronounce: Ishaan) One of the 4 secondary directions, north-east
- ઇજનેર: (Pronounce: Ijner) Engineer
- ઇજારો: (Pronounce: Ijaaro) Monopoly
- ઇજ્જત: (Pronounce: Ijjat) Reputation
- ઇતિહાસ: (Pronounce: Itihaas) History
- ઇત્યાદિ: (Pronounce: Ityaadi) et cetera, etc.
- ઇન્કાર: (Pronounce: Inkaar) Refusal
- ઇનામ: (Pronounce: Inaam) Reward
- ઇન્સાન: (Pronounce: Insaan) Human
- ઇન્સાફ: (Pronounce: Insaaf) Justice
- ઇમારત: (Pronounce: Imaarat) Building
- ઇરાદો: (Pronounce: Iraado) Intention
- ઇલાકો: (Pronounce: Ilaako) Province
- ઇલાજ: (Pronounce: Ilaaj) Treatment, Cure
- ઇલાયચી: (Pronounce: Ilaayachi) Cardamom
- ઇશારો: (Pronounce: Ishaaro) Hint, Suggetion
- ઇસ્ત્રી: (Pronounce: Istri) Cloth ironing instrument
- ઇસ્પિતાલ: (Pronounce: Ispital) Hospital
- ઇંતેજાર: (Pronounce: Intejaar) Waiting, Eagerness
- ઇંદ્રિય: (Pronounce: Indriya) Sense
ઉ (U)
- ઉકરડો: (Pronounce: Ukardo) Heap of rubbish
- ઉકળાટ: (Pronounce: Uklaat) Anger
- ઉકાળવું: (Pronounce: Ukaalvu) To boil
- ઉખાડવું: (Pronounce: Ukhaadvu) To detach from root
- ઉગાડવું: (Pronounce: Ugaadvu) To grow
- ઉગારવું: (Pronounce: Ugaarvu) To save
- ઉચાટ: (Pronounce: Uchaat) Impatience
- ઉચાપત: (Pronounce: Uchaapat) Embezzlement
- ઉચિત: (Pronounce: Uchitta) Proper
- ઉચ્ચાર: (Pronounce: Uchchaar) Pronounciation
- ઉચ્ચાલન: (Pronounce: Uchchaalan) Lever
- ઉજાણી: (Pronounce: Ujaani) Celebration
- ઉજાગરો: (Pronounce: Ujaagaro) Keeping wake at night
- ઉતાવળ: (Pronounce: Utaaval) Haste
- ઉત્તર: (Pronounce: Uttar) Answer
- ઉપકાર: (Pronounce: Upkaar) Obligation
- ઉપમા: (Pronounce: Upma) Comparison
- ઉંમર: (Pronounce: Unaalo) Age
- ઉનાળો: (Pronounce: Unaalo) Summer
- ઉલ્કા: (Pronounce: Ulka) Shooting star
ઊ (Uu / Oo)
- ઊંડાઈ: (Pronounce: Undaai) Deepness
- ઊંચાઈ: (Pronounce: Uunchaai) Height
- ઊગવું: (Pronounce: Uugavu) To rise
- ઊઘડવું: (Pronounce: Uunchai) To open
- ઊછરવું: (Pronounce: Uuchharavu) To grow up
- ઊજળું: (Pronounce: Uujalu) Bright
- ઊઠવું: (Pronounce: Uuthavu) To wake up
- ઊડવું: (Pronounce: Uudavu) To fly
- ઊણું: (Pronounce: Uunoo) Partially filled
- ઊથલો: (Pronounce: Uuthalo) Relapse
- ઊધઈ: (Pronounce: Uudhaii) Termite
- ઊન: (Pronounce: Uun) Wool
- ઊનું: (Pronounce: Uunoo) Warm
- ઊપજ: (Pronounce: Uupaj) Yield
- ઊભું: (Pronounce: Uubhu) Vertical
- ઊમર: (Pronounce: Uumar) fig tree; threshold.'
- ઊલટી: (Pronounce: Uulati) Vomiting
- ઊહાપોહ: (Pronounce: Uuhaapoh) Uproar
- ઊંજવું: (Pronounce: Uunjavu)
- ઊંટ: (Pronounce: Uunt) Camel
- ઊંડાણ: (Pronounce: Uundaan) Depth
એ (Ae)
- એક : (Pronounce: Aek) One
- એકેક : (Pronounce: Aekek) One at a time
- એકતરફી : (Pronounce: Aektarfii) Partial
- એકતા : (Pronounce: Aekta) Unity
- એકદમ : (Pronounce: Aekdam) Quite
- એકઠું : (Pronounce: Aekthu) Together
- એકદિલી : (Pronounce: Aekdilii) Harmony
- એકમ : (Pronounce: Aekam) Unit
- એકમાત્ર : (Pronounce: Aekmatra) Only one
- એકમેક : (Pronounce: Aekmek) Mutually
- એકલું : (Pronounce: Aekalu) Alone
- એકરાર : (Pronounce: Aekarar) Assent
- એકરૂપ : (Pronounce: Aekaroop) Identical
- એકવચન : (Pronounce: Aekvachan) Singular
- એકવડું : (Pronounce: Aekvadu) slim
- એકસંપ: (Pronounce: Aeksump) United
- એકાએક : (Pronounce: Aeka-aek) Suddenly
- એકાદ : (Pronounce: Aekad) Hardly one
- એકી : (Pronounce: Aekii) Odd
- એક્કો : (Pronounce: Aekko) Ace
- એખલાસ : (Pronounce: Aekhlas) Union, friendship
- એટલે : (Pronounce: Aetale) Therefore
- એદી : (Pronounce: Aeddi) Very lazy
- એરણ : (Pronounce: Aeran) Anvil
- એઠવાડ : (Pronounce: Aethavad) Reminder of meal
- એલચી : (Pronounce: Aelachii) Ambassador, Cardamom
- એલફેલ : (Pronounce: Aelfel) Indecent
- એળે : (Pronounce: Aele) In vain
- એષણા : (Pronounce: Aeshana) Desire
ઐ (Aei)
- ઐક્ય : (Pronounce: Aeikya) Oneness
- ઐચ્છિક : (Pronounce: Aeichchhik) Voluntary
- ઐતિહાસિક : (Pronounce: Aeitihasik) Historic
- ઐશ્ચર્ય : (Pronounce: Aeishcharya) Prosperity
- ઐહિક : (Pronounce: Aeihik) Worldly
- ઓજાર: (Pronounce: Ojar) Tool
- ઓરડો: (Pronounce: Orado) Room
- ઓકવું : (Pronounce: Okavu) To vomit
- ઓગળવું : (Pronounce: Ogalavu) To melt
- ઓગાળવું : (Pronounce: Ogaalavu) To disolve
- ઓચિંતુ: (Pronounce: Ochintu) Sudden
- ઓચ્છવ : (Pronounce: Ochchhav) Festival
- ઓછાડ : (Pronounce: Ochhad) Coverlet
- ઓછાબોલું : (Pronounce: Ochhabolu) Reticent
- ઓછું : (Pronounce: Ochhu) Less
- ઓજસ : (Pronounce: Ojas) Lustre
- ઓઝલ : (Pronounce: Ozal) Mask
- ઓટ : (Pronounce: Ot) Ebb
- ઓટલો : (Pronounce: Otalo) Raised platform outside house
- ઓઠું : (Pronounce: Othu) Pretext
- ઓડકાર : (Pronounce: Odakar) Belching
- ઓઢાડવું : (Pronounce: Odhadavu) To wrap
- ઓરો : (Pronounce: Oro) Near
- ઓલાદ : (Pronounce: Olad) Lineage
- ઓળખાણ : (Pronounce: Olakhan) Introduction
- ઓથ : (Pronounce: Oth) Shelter
- ઓળખીતું : (Pronounce: Olakhitu) Familiar
- ઓશીકું : (Pronounce: Oshiku) Pillow
- ઓળવું : (Pronounce: Olavu) To comb hair
- ઓળંગવું : (Pronounce: Olangavu) To cross
ઔ (Aou)
- ઔચિત્ય : (Pronounce: Aouchitya) Appropriateness
- ઔદાર્ય : (Pronounce: Aoudarya) Liberality
- ઔદ્યોગિક : (Pronounce: Aoudhyogic) Industrial
- ઔપચારિક : (Pronounce: Aoupacharic) Formal
- ઔષધ : (Pronounce: Aoushadh) Medicine
અં (Am / An)
- અંબર: (Pronounce: Ambar) Sky (Synonyms:નભ,ગગન)
- અંક: (Pronounce: Ank) Number
- અંકુર: (Pronounce: Ankur) Sprout
- અંકુશ: (Pronounce: Ankush) Control
- અંગ: (Pronounce: Ang) Body
- અંગત: (Pronounce: Angat) Personal
- અંગીકાર: (Pronounce: Angikar) Acceptance
- અંગૂઠો: (Pronounce: Angutho) Thumb
- અંગૂર: (Pronounce: Angur) Grape
- અંગ્રેજ: (Pronounce: Angrej) English man
- અંજલિ: (Pronounce: Anjli) Cavity formed by joining both the open palms
- અંજામ: (Pronounce: Anjam) Result
- અંજાવુ: (Pronounce: Anjavu) To be dazzled
- અંજીર: (Pronounce: Anjir) Fig
- અંત: (Pronounce: Ant) End
- અંતર: (Pronounce: Antar) Distance
- અંતિમ: (Pronounce: Antim) At last
- અંદર: (Pronounce: Andar) Inside
- અંદાજ: (Pronounce: Andaj) Guess
- અંધ: (Pronounce: Andh) Blind
- અંત:કરણ: (Pronounce: Antahkaran) Heart
ક (K)
- કોલસો: (Pronounce: kolso) coal
- કાકા: (Pronounce: Kaka) Uncle
- કાગળ: (Pronounce: Kaagal) Paper
- કંચન: (Pronounce: Kanchan) Gold
- કાતર: (Pronounce: Kaatar) Scissors
- કનક: (Pronounce: Kanak) Gold
- કમળ(કમલ): (Pronounce: Kamal) Lotus
- કર: (Pronounce: Kar) Hand (Synonyms: હાથ,હસ્ત)
- કલમ: (Pronounce: Kalam) Pen
- કલ્પના: (Pronounce: Kalpana) Imagination
- કિરીટ: (Pronounce : Kirit) Crown
- કઠોળ: (Pronounce: Kathol) Pulse
- કતલ: (Pronounce: Katal) Slaughter
- કડક: (Pronounce: Kadak) Strict Hard
- કણ: (Pronounce: Kan) Particle
- કથા: (Pronounce: Katha) Story
- કદ: (Pronounce: Kad) Volume
- કદર: (Pronounce: Kadar) Appreciation
- કમર: (Pronounce: Kamar) Waist
- કરજ: (Pronounce: Karaj) Debt
- કરવત: (Pronounce: Karavat) Saw
- કરમ: (Pronounce: Karam) Fate
- કરાર: (Pronounce: Karar) Agreement
- કલપ: (Pronounce: Kalap) Hair dye
- કલરવ: (Pronounce: Kalarav) Soft and sweet sound
- કલા: (Pronounce: Kala) Craft
- કસ: (Pronounce: Kas) Essence
- કસમ: (Pronounce: Kasam) To swear
- કસરત: (Pronounce: Kasarat) Exercise
- કુશાગ્રબુદ્ધિ: (Pronounce: Kushagrabuddhi) Extremely intelligent
- કૄત્રિમ: (Pronounce: Krutrim) Artificial
ખ (Kh)
- ખજાનો: (Pronounce: Khajano) Treasure
- ખલ: (Pronounce: Khal) Mortar
- ખજૂર: (Pronounce: Khajur) Dates
- ખાણ: (Pronounce: Khaan) Mine
- ખીણ: (Pronounce: Khin) Valley
- ખખડધજ: (Pronounce: Khakaddhaj) Of strong build
- ખગોળ: (Pronounce: Khagol) Sky
- ખટપટ: (Pronounce: Khatapat) Intrigues
- ખટારો: (Pronounce: Khataro) Truck
- ખડ: (Pronounce: Khad) Grass
- ખડક: (Pronounce: Khadak) Rock
- ખડગ: (Pronounce: Khadag) Sword
- ખબર: (Pronounce: Khabar) News
- ખભો: (Pronounce: Khabho) Shoulder
- ખરાબ: (Pronounce: Kharab) Bad
- ખરડો: (Pronounce: Kharado) Draft
- ખલાસ: (Pronounce: Khalas) Consumed
- ખંત: (Pronounce: Khant) Perseverance
- ખરીદ: (Pronounce: Kharid) Purchase
- ખાળ: (Pronounce: Khal) Gutter
- ખાંડ: (Pronounce: Khaand) Sugar
- ખીલ: (Pronounce: Khil) Pimple
- ખીલી: (Pronounce: Khili) Nail
- ખીલો: (Pronounce: Khilo) Peg
- ખુશ: (Pronounce: Khush) Delighted
- ખૂબ: (Pronounce: Khoob) Abundant
- ખોજ: (Pronounce: Khoj) Search
- ખોલવું: (Pronounce: Kholavu) To open
ગ (G)
- ગગન: (Pronounce: Gagan) Sky, The blue, The heaven (Synonyms: આકાશ)
- ગજરાજ: (Pronounce: Gajraj) Elephant (Synonyms: હાથી)
- ગપસપ: (Pronounce: Gapsap) Chitchat
- ગબન: (Pronounce: Gaban) Scam
- ગરમ: (Pronounce: Garam) Hot, Warm
- ગમ: (Pronounce: Gum) Unhappiness
- ગડી: (Pronounce: Gadi) Fold
- ગઢ: (Pronounce: Gadh) Fort
- ગણ: (Pronounce: Gan) Group
- ગણવેશ: (Pronounce: Ganavesh) Uniform dress
- ગણિત: (Pronounce: Ganit) Mathematics
- ગત: (Pronounce: Gat) Gone
- ગતિ: (Pronounce: Gatee) Speed
- ગફલત: (Pronounce: Gafalat) Carelessness
- ગભરાટ: (Pronounce: Gabharat) Nervousness
- ગમાર: (Pronounce: Gamar) Foolish
- ગરગડી: (Pronounce: Garagadi) Bobbin
- ગરજ: (Pronounce: Garaj) Self-interest
- ગાજર: (Pronounce: Gajar) Carrot
- ગીત: (Pronounce: Geet) Song
- ગામ: (Pronounce: Gaam) Village
- ગરકાવ: (Pronounce: Garakav) Absorbed in
- ગરદન: (Pronounce: Garadan) Neck
- ગરુડ: (Pronounce: Garood) Eagle
- ગરમી: (Pronounce: Garami) Heat
- ગલી: (Pronounce: Galii) Street
- ગહન: (Pronounce: Gahan) Deep
- ગીચ: (Pronounce: Giich) Crowded
- ગારો: (Pronounce: Gaaro) Mud
- ગીધ: (Pronounce: Giidh) Vulture
- ગુંગા: (Pronounce: Gungaa) boogers
ઘ (Gh)
- ઘર: (Pronounce: Ghar) Home, house
- ઘરધણી: (Pronounce: Ghardhani) Landlord (Synonyms: મકાન માલિક)
- ઘરવાળી: (Pronounce: Gharvali) Wife
- ઘરેલુ: (Pronounce: Gharelu) Household
- ઘરોબો: (Pronounce: Gharobo) Homeliness
- ઘટ: (Pronounce: Ghat) Decreese
- ઘચરકો: (Pronounce: Ghasarako) Belching
- ઘટક: (Pronounce: Ghatak) Unit
- ઘટના: (Pronounce: Ghatana) Event
- ઘડતર: (Pronounce: Ghadatar) Training
- ઘડિયાળ: (Pronounce: Ghadiyal) Watch, Clock
- ઘડી: (Pronounce: Ghadii) A period of 24 minutes
- ઘન: (Pronounce: Ghan) Solid
- ઘરાક: (Pronounce: Gharak) Customer
- ઘરેડ: (Pronounce: Ghared) Beaten track
- ઘસવું: (Pronounce: Ghasavu) To rub
- ઘાતક: (Pronounce: Ghatak) Lethal
- ઘામ: (Pronounce: Ghaam) Sultriness
- ઘણું: (Pronounce: Ghanun) Very much
- ઘાયલ: (Pronounce: Ghaayal) Wounded
- ઘાલમેલ: (Pronounce: Ghaalmel) Embezzlement
- ઘૂંટી: (Pronounce: Ghunti) Ankle
- ઘેટું: (Pronounce: Ghetu) Sheep
- ઘુવડ: (Pronounce: Ghuvad) Owl
- ઘેન: (Pronounce: Ghen) Intoxication
- ઘોઘરું: (Pronounce: Ghogharu) Hoarse
- ઘોડિયું: (Pronounce: Ghodiyu) Cradle
- ઘોર: (Pronounce: Ghor) Terrible
- ઘોંઘાટ: (Pronounce: Ghonghat) Noise
- ઘોષણા: (Pronounce: Ghoshana) Proclamation
ચ (Ch)
- ચકચકિત: (Pronounce: Chakchakit) Sparkly
- ચંદ્ર: (Pronounce: Chandra) Moon (Synonyms: ચાંદો, ચાંદામામા, ચાંદલીયો, ચંદ્રમા, શશી)
- ચિંતન: (Pronounce: Chintan) Meditation, Thought, Consideration, Reflection (Synonyms: મનન)
- ચક્ષુ: (Pronounce: Chakshu) Eye (Synonyms:આંખ,નેત્ર,નયન)
- ચકડોળ: (Pronounce: Chakadol) Merry-go-round
- ચકરી: (Pronounce: Chakarii) Giddiness
- ચકલી: (Pronounce: Chakalii) Sparrow
- ચકાસણી: (Pronounce: Chakasanii) Scrutinity
- ચકિત: (Pronounce: Chakit) Dazed
- ચકોર: (Pronounce: Chakor) Alert
- ચક્કી: (Pronounce: Chakkii) Grinding-mill
- ચક્રમ: (Pronounce: Chakram) Mad-man
- ચક્રવર્તી: (Pronounce: Chakravarti) Sovereign
- ચક્રાકાર: (Pronounce: Chakrakar) Circular
- ચટાઈ: (Pronounce: Chataii) Mat
- ચડતી: (Pronounce: Chadatii) Rise
- ચડિયાતું: (Pronounce: Chadiyatu) Superior
- ચણિયો: (Pronounce: Chaniyo) Petticoat
- ચડ્ડી: (Pronounce: Chaddii) Half-pant
- ચતુર: (Pronounce: Chatur) Clever
- ચમક: (Pronounce: Chamak) Glitter
- ચમચી: (Pronounce: Chamachii) Small spoon
- ચરખો: (Pronounce: Charakho) Spinning wheel
- ચરબી: (Pronounce: Charabii) Fat
- ચર્ચા: (Pronounce: Charcha) Discussion
- ચલણ: (Pronounce: Chalan) Currency
- ચશ્માં: (Pronounce: Chashma) Spectackle
- ચહેરો: (Pronounce: Chahero) Face
- ચળકાટ: (Pronounce: Chalakat) Brilliance
- ચળવળ: (Pronounce: Chalaval) Movement
- ચરૈવતી: (pronounce: Charaivatii)
- ચંદન: (Pronounce: Chandan) Sandle wood
- ચા: (Pronounce: Chaa) Tea
છ (Chh)
- છળ: (Pronounce: Chhal) Cheat
- છેલ્લું: (Pronounce: Chhellu) Last
- છત્રી: (Pronounce: Chhatri) Umbrella
- છત: (Pronounce: Chhat) Roof
- છક: (Pronounce: Chhak) Surprised
- છક્કડ: (Pronounce: Chhakkad) Deception
- છછૂંદર: (Pronounce: Chhachundar) Mole
- છટકવું: (Pronounce: Chhatakavu) To slip away
- છટકું: (Pronounce: Chhataku) Trap
- છજું : (Pronounce: Chhaju) Balcony
- છટા: (Pronounce: Chhata) Style
- છટાદાર: (Pronounce: Chhatadar) Graceful
- છડેચોક: (Pronounce: Chhadechok) Openly
- છત્રછાયા: (Pronounce: Chhatrachhaya) Protection
- છતાં: (Pronounce: Chhata) However
- છાપકામ: (Pronounce: Chhapakam) Printig
- છબરડો: (Pronounce: Chhabarado) Bungling
- છંટકાવ: (Pronounce: Chhantkav) Spraying
- છાતી: (Pronounce: Chhaatii) Chest
- છાપું: (Pronounce: Chhaapu) Newspaper
- છાપો: (Pronounce: Chhaapo) Raid
- છાયા: (Pronounce: Chhaaya) Shadow
- છાલ: (Pronounce: Chhaal) Exterior covering
- છાવણી: (Pronounce: Chhaavani) Camp
- છાસ: (Pronounce: Chhaas) Buttermilk
- છિદ્ર: (Pronounce: Chhidra) Hole
- છીણી: (Pronounce: Chhiinii) Scraper
- છીપ: (Pronounce: Chhiip) Shell
- છીંક: (Pronounce: Chhiink) Sneeze
- છૂ: (Pronounce: Chhoo) Away
જ (J)
- જગત: (Pronounce: Jagat) World
- જાનકી: (Pronounce: Jaanki) Sita, Consort of Lord Rama, Key female character from Ramayan, Icon of good character (Synonyms: સીતા)
- જકાત: (Pronounce: Jakat) Octroi tax
- જક્કી: (Pronounce: Jakkii) Obstinate
- જખમ: (Pronounce: Jakham) Wound
- જગજાહેર: (Pronounce: Jagajaher) Well-known
- જગા: (Pronounce: Jaga) Place
- જટા: (Pronounce: Jata) Long matted hair
- જટિલ: (Pronounce: Jatil) Complicated
- જઠર: (Pronounce: Jathar) Stomach
- જડ: (Pronounce: Jad) Inanimate
- જડબું: (Pronounce: Jadbu) Jaw
- જણ: (Pronounce: Jan) Person
- જતન: (Pronounce: Jatan) Care
- જથ્થો: (Pronounce: Jaththo) Mass
- જનતા: (Pronounce: Janata) Common people
- જન્મ: (Pronounce: Janma) Birth
- જપ: (Pronounce: Jap) Muttering
- જબાન: (Pronounce: Jaban) Tongue
- જમણ: (Pronounce: Jaman) Meal
- જમરૂખ: (Pronounce: Jamarookh) Guava
- જમા: (Pronounce: Jama) Collected
- જમાઈ: (Pronounce: Jamaii) Son-in-law
- જમાત: (Pronounce: Jamat) Community
- જમીન: (Pronounce: Jamiin) Land
- જય: (Pronounce: Jay) Victory
- જરખ: (Pronounce: Jarakh) Hyona
- જરા: (Pronounce: Jara) Little
- જલદી: (Pronounce: Jaladii) Hurry
- જહાજ: (Pronounce: Jahaj) Large ship
ઝ (Z)
- ઝગમગવું: (Pronounce: Zagamagvu) To shine
- ઝઘડો: (Pronounce: Zaghado) Quarrel
- ઝઝૂમવું: (Pronounce: Zazumavu) To hang
- ઝટ: (Pronounce: Zat) Promptly
- ઝડપ: (Pronounce: Zadap) Speed
- ઝડપી: (Pronounce: Zadapii) Swift
- ઝણઝણાટ: (Pronounce: Zanazanat) Numbness
- ઝનૂન: (Pronounce: Zanoon) Fierceness
- ઝબકારો: (Pronounce: Zabakaro) Flash of light
- ઝબૂકવું: (Pronounce: Zabookavu) To twinkle
- ઝભ્ભો: (Pronounce: Zabhbho) Long gown
- ઝમવું: (Pronounce: Zanavu) To percolate
- ઝરણું: (Pronounce: Zaranu) Rivulet
- ઝરવું: (Pronounce: Zaravu) To trickle
- ઝરૂખો: (Pronounce: Zarookho) Balcony
- ઝવેરાત: (Pronounce: Zaverat) Jewellery
- ઝંખના: (Pronounce: Zankhana) Constant longing desire
- ઝંડો: (Pronounce: Zando) Flag
- ઝાકળ: (Pronounce: Zaakal) Dew
- ઝાઝું: (Pronounce: Zaazoo) Much
- ઝાડ: (Pronounce: Zaad) Tree
- ઝાડુ: (Pronounce: Zaadu) Broom
- ઝાડો: (Pronounce: Zaado) Excretion
- ઝામર: (Pronounce: Zaamar) Glaucoma
- ઝાલર: (Pronounce: Zaalar) Gong
- ઝાપટું: (Pronounce: Zaapatu) Brisk shower of rain
- ઝાંખ: (Pronounce: Zaankh) Dimmness
- ઝાંઝર: (Pronounce: Zaanzar) Anklet
- ઝોક: (Pronounce: Zok) Inclination
- ઝાંપો: (Pronounce: Zaampo) Gate
ટ (T)
- ટપાલ: (Pronounce: Tapal) Letter
- ટકટક: (Pronounce: Takatak) Boring talk
- ટકાઉ: (Pronounce: Takau) Durable
- ટકાવારી: (Pronounce: Takavarii) Percentage
- ટકોર: (Pronounce: Takor) Sarcasm
- ટક્કર: (Pronounce: Takkar) Collision
- ટચકિયું: (Pronounce: Tachakiyu) Lumbago
- ટચૂકડું: (Pronounce: Tachuukadu) Tiny
- ટટ્ટાર: (Pronounce: Tatar) Erect
- ટપકવું: (Pronounce: Tapakavu) To drip
- ટપકું: (Pronounce: Tapaku) Dot
- ટપલી: (Pronounce: Tapalii) Mild slap
- ટપવું: (Pronounce: Tapavu) To jump over
- ટામેટું: (Pronounce: Tametu) Tometo
- ટળવું: (Pronounce: Talavu) To go away
- ટંકણખાર: (Pronounce: Tankankhar) Borax
- ટાઢ: (Pronounce: Taadh) Cold
- ટાઢોડું: (Pronounce: Taadhodu) Cold weather
- ટાણું: (Pronounce: Taanu) Occasion
- ટાપુ: (Pronounce: Taapu) Island
- ટાલ: (Pronounce: Taal) Baldness
- ટાંક: (Pronounce: Taank) Nib
- ટાંકણી: (Pronounce: Taankanii) Pin
- ટાંગવું: (Pronounce: Taangavu) To hang
- ટાંચ: (Pronounce: Taanch) Attachment
- ટીકા: (Pronounce: Tiika) Criticism
- ટીપું: (Pronounce: Tiipu) Drop
- ટીલી: (Pronounce: Tiilii) Blot
- ટુકડો: (Pronounce: Tukado) Piece
- ટુચકો: (Pronounce: Tuchako) Joke
ઠ (Th)
- ઠળિયો: (Pronounce: Thaliyo) Seed
- ઠગ: (Pronounce: Thag) Cheater
- ઠામ: (Pronounce: Thaam) Utensil
- ઠઠ: (Pronounce: Thath) Congregation
- ઠઠ્ઠાચિત્ર: (Pronounce: Thaththaachitra) Caricature
- ઠપકારવું: (Pronounce: Thapakaarvu) To beat
- ઠપકો: (Pronounce: Thapako) Rebuke
- ઠરાવ: (Pronounce: Tharaav) Proposal
- ઠરેલ: (Pronounce: Tharel) Mature
- ઠસોઠસ: (Pronounce: Thasothas) Compactly
- ઠંડી: (Pronounce: Thandii) Cold
- ઠાઠ: (Pronounce: Thaath) Pomp
- ઠાર: (Pronounce: Thaar) Dew
- ઠાલું: (Pronounce: Thaalu) empty
- ઠીક: (Pronounce: Thiik) Proper
- ઠીંગણું: (Pronounce: Thiinganu) Dwarfish
- ઠેકડી: (Pronounce: Thekadii) Mockery
- ઠેકાણું: (Pronounce: Thekaanu) Place
- ઠેકેદાર: (Pronounce: Thekedaar) Contractor
- ઠેઠ: (Pronounce: Theth) Upto
- ઠેરઠેર: (Pronounce: Therther) Everywhere
- ઠેલણગાડી: (Pronounce: Thelangaadii) Wheelbarrow
- ઠેલો: (Pronounce: Thelo) Push
- ઠોકર: (Pronounce: Thokar) Striking with foot
- ઠોકવુ: (Pronounce: Thokavu) To strike against
- ઠોઠ: (Pronounce: Thoth) Slow-witted
- ઠાંસ: (Pronounce: Thaans) Bragging
- ઠારવું: (Pronounce: Thaaravu) To cool
- ઠૂંઠું: (Pronounce: Thuthu) Stub
- ઠેકડો: (Pronounce: Thekado) Jump
ડ (D)
- ડમરું: (Pronounce: Damaru) Tambourine
- ડક્કો: (Pronounce: Dakko) Dock
- ડખલ: (Pronounce: Dakhal) Interruption
- ડખો: (Pronounce: Dakko) Disorder
- ડગ: (Pronounce: Dag) Step
- ડગલો: (Pronounce: Dagalo) Over-coat
- ડબો: (Pronounce: Dabo) Tin-box
- ડર: (Pronounce: Dar) Fear
- ડસકું: (Pronounce: Dasaku) Sob
- ડસવું: (Pronounce: Dasavu) To bite
- ડંકી: (Pronounce: Dankii) Water pump operated by hand
- ડાક: (Pronounce: Daak) Post, mail
- ડાઘ: (Pronounce: Daagh) Stain
- ડાટ: (Pronounce: Daat) Ruin
- ડામ: (Pronounce: Daam) Skin burn
- ડામર: (Pronounce: Daamar) Coal tar
- ડાળ: (Pronounce: Daal) Branch
- ડોળી: (Pronounce: Dolii) Litter, Stretcher
- ડોલ: (Pronounce: Dol) Bucket
- ડોક: (Pronounce: Dok) Neck
- ડોલું: (Pronounce: Dolu) Doze
- ડોડો: (Pronounce: Dodo) An ear of maize
- ડોકાવું: (Pronounce: Dokavu) To peep into
- ડોલવું: (Pronounce: Dolvu) To swing
- ડુક્કર: (Pronounce: Dukkar) Pig
- ડારો: (Pronounce: Daaro) Threat
- ડામવું: (Pronounce: Daamavu) To scorch skin
- ડાંગ: (Pronounce: Daang) Long and strong staff
- ડાંગર: (Pronounce: Daangar) Paddy
- ડાટો: (Pronounce: Daato) Cork
ઢ (Dh)
- ઢોલ: (Pronounce: Dhol) Drum
- ઢગ: (Pronounce: Dhag) Heap
- ઢચુપચુ: (Pronounce: Dhachupachu) Unstable
- ઢબ: (Pronounce: Dhab) Method
- ઢરડો: (Pronounce: Dharado) Drudgery
- ઢળવું: (Pronounce: Dhalavu) To lean
- ઢાંકવું: (Pronounce: Dhankavu) To cover
- ઢંગ: (Pronounce: Dhang) Manners
- ઢંઢેરો: (Pronounce: Dhandhero) Proclamination
- ઢાલ: (Pronounce: Dhaal) Shield
- ઢાળ: (Pronounce: Dhaal) Slope
- ઢાળવું: (Pronounce: Dhaalvu) To mold
- ઢીબવું: (Pronounce: Dhibavu) To beat
- ઢીલ: (Pronounce: Dheel) Delay
- ઢીંચણ: (Pronounce: Dheenchan) Knee
- ઢેખાળો: (Pronounce: Dhekhalo) Brickbat
- ઢેલ: (Pronounce: Dhel) Pea-hen
- ઢોલિયો: (Pronounce: Dholiyo) Cot
- ઢોલી: (Pronounce: Dholee) Drummer
- ઢોંગ: (Pronounce: Dhong) Pretence
ત (T)
- તેજ: (Pronounce: Tej) Light, Bright (Synonyms:પ્રકાશ)
- તન: (Pronounce: Tan) Body (Synonyms:શરીર)
- તરલ: (Pronounce: Taral) Liquid
- તાર: (Pronounce: Tār) Wire
- તારા: (Pronounce: Tārā) Stars
- તલ: (Pronounce: Tal) Seesame Seeds
- તલવાર: (Pronounce: Talwār) Sword
- તેનુ: (Pronounce: Tenu) His, Her, Its
- તેલ: (Pronounce: Tel) Oil
- તોફાન: (Pronounce: Tofan) Storm, Riot (Synonyms: ધમાલ, ધાંધલ)
- તક: (Pronounce: Tak) Opportunity
- તકરાર: (Pronounce: Takarar) Quarrel
- તકદીર: (Pronounce: Takdeer) Luck
- તકલીફ: (Pronounce: Takaleef) Hardship
- તજ: (Pronounce: Taj) Cinnamon
- તટ: (Pronounce: Tat) Shore
- તડકો: (Pronounce: Tadko) Sunshine
- તડબૂચ: (Pronounce: Tadabooch) Watermelon
- તડામાર: (Pronounce: Tadamar) Rapidly
- તણખો: (Pronounce: Tankho) Spark
- તત્ત્વ: (Pronounce: Tattva) Element
- તત્પર: (Pronounce: Tattpar) Ready
- તથા: (Pronounce: Tatha) And
- તથ્ય: (Pronounce: Tathya) Truth
- તબીબ: (Pronounce: Tabeeb) Doctor
- તમા: (Pronounce: Tama) Care
- તરત: (Pronounce: Tarat) Promptly
- તરાપ: (Pronounce: Tarap) Sudden attack
- તલાક: (Pronounce: Talaak) Divorce
- તાલીમ: (Pronounce: Taalim) Training
થ (Th)
- થડ: (Pronounce: Thad) Trunk of a tree
- થડક: (Pronounce: Thadak) Shock
- થડો: (Pronounce: Thado) Counter
- થનગનાટ: (Pronounce: Thanaganat) Vigour
- થપડાક: (Pronounce: Thapdak) Slap
- થર: (Pronounce: Thar) Layer
- થવું: (Pronounce: Thavu) To be
- થાક: (Pronounce: Thak) Fatigue
- થાપ: (Pronounce: Thap) Mistake
- થાપણ: (Pronounce: Thaapan) Fund
- થાપો: (Pronounce: Thaapo) Hip
- થાળી: (Pronounce: Thaali) Big plate
- થૂંક: (Pronounce: Thoonk) Saliva
- થેલી: (Pronounce: Theli) Bag
- થોકબંધ: (Pronounce: Thokbandh) Wholsale
- થાણું: (Pronounce: Thanu) Police station
- થોડું: (Pronounce: Thadu) Little
- થોથવાવું: (Pronounce: Thathavavu) To stammer
- થોભવું: (Pronounce: Thad) To stop
- થોભા: (Pronounce: Thabha) Whiskers
- થોર: (Pronounce: Thor) Cactus
દ (D)
- દખલ: (Pronounce: Dakhal) Obstruction
- દહન: (Pronounce: Dahan) Aflame, Ablaze
- દળવું: (Pronounce: Dalavu) To Grind
- દેશ: (Pronounce: Desh) Country, Nation
- દિશા: (Pronounce: Deesha) Direction, N-W-E-S
- દોરો: (Pronounce: Doro) Very thin string
- દૃષ્ટિ: (Pronounce: Drashti) Vision
- દક્ષિણ: (Pronounce: Dakshin) South
- દગો: (Pronounce: Dago) Fraud
- દડો: (Pronounce: Dado) Ball
- દફતર: (Pronounce: Dafatar) Portfolio
- દફન: (Pronounce: Dafan) Burial
- દબાણ: (Pronounce: Dabaan) Pressure
- દવા: (Pronounce: Dava) Medicine
- દમ: (Pronounce: Dam) Ashthma
- દમામ: (Pronounce: Damaam) Grandeur
- દયા: (Pronounce: Daya) Mercy
- દરજી: (Pronounce: Darajii) Tailor
- દરદ: (Pronounce: Dard) Pain
- દરકાર: (Pronounce: Darakaar) Care
- દરબાર: (Pronounce: Darabaar) Concil
- દરવાન: (Pronounce: Daravaan) Gate keeper
- દરિયો: (Pronounce: Dariyo) Sea
- દલાલ: (Pronounce: Dalaal) Agent
- દવ: (Pronounce: Dav) Wide spread forest fire
- દામ: (Pronounce: Daam) Value
- દળદાર: (Pronounce: Daladaar) Thick
- દાણ: (Pronounce: Daan) Octroi duty
- દાદ: (Pronounce: Daad) Complain
- દરોડો: (Pronounce: Darodo) Raid
ધ (Dh)
- ધન્ય: (Pronounce: Dhanyā) To be blessed
- ધરતી: (Pronounce: Dharati) Land (Synonym: ધરણી)
- ધરા: (Pronounce: Dharā) Earth, Land
- ધન: (Pronounce: Dhan) Wealth
- ધાન્ય/ધાન: (Pronounce: Dhānya) Grain (Close meaning: Wealth)
- ધગશ: (Pronounce: Dhagash) Wealth
- ધજા: (Pronounce: Dhaja) Flag
- ધડ: (Pronounce: Dhad) Headless trunk
- ધડાકો: (Pronounce: Dhadako) Explosion
- ધણ: (Pronounce: Dhan) Herd of cattle
- ધણી: (Pronounce: Dhanii) Owner
- ધમકી: (Pronounce: Dhamakii) Threat
- ધમાલ: (Pronounce: Dhamal) Mischief
- ધરપકડ: (Pronounce: Dharapakad) Arrest
- ધરપત: (Pronounce: Dharapat) Patience
- ધરવ: (Pronounce: Dharav) Satisfaction
- ધરાર: (Pronounce: Dharar) Forcibly
- ધરી: (Pronounce: Dharii) Axle of wheel
- ધસારો: (Pronounce: Dhasaro) Violent rush
- ધાક: (Pronounce: Dhaak) Fear
- ધાડ: (Pronounce: Dhaad) Dacoity
- ધાતુ: (Pronounce: Dhaatu) Metal
- ધાન: (Pronounce: Dhaan) Food
- ધાબુ: (Pronounce: Dhaabu) Slab
- ધાર: (Pronounce: Dhaar) Sharp edge
- ધારો: (Pronounce: Dhaaro) Law
- ધારાસભા: (Pronounce: Dhaaraasabha) Legislative assembly
- ધારવું: (Pronounce: Dhaaravu) To suppose
- ધૂમ: (Pronounce: Dhum) Plentiful
- ધ્વનિ: (Pronounce: Dhvni) Sound
ન (N)
- નેત્ર: (Pronounce: Netra) Eye (Synonyms:આંખ,નયન,ચક્ષુ)
- નથ: (Pronounce: Nath) Nose Ring (Synonyms:વાળી, ચુની)
- નયન: (Pronounce: Nayan) Eye (Synonyms:આંખ,નેત્ર,ચક્ષુ)
- નૈઋત્ય: (Pronounce: Nairutya) One of the 4 secondary directions, south-west
- નિશા: (Pronounce: Nisha) Night (Synonyms: રાત્રી,રજની)
- નકલ: (Pronounce: Nakal) Copy
- નકશો: (Pronounce: Naksho) Map
- નકામું: (Pronounce: Nakamu) Useless
- નકાર: (Pronounce: Nakar) Negation
- નક્કર: (Pronounce: Nakkar) Solid
- નક્કી: (Pronounce: Nakkii) Sure
- નજીક: (Pronounce: Najiik) Near
- નખ: (Pronounce: Nakh) Nail
- નગર: (Pronounce: Nagar) City
- નજર: (Pronounce: Najar) Sight
- નતીજો: (Pronounce: Natijo) Result
- નદી: (Pronounce: Nadi) River
- નનામું: (Pronounce: Nanamu) Nameless
- નફો: (Pronounce: Nafo) Profit
- નરમ: (Pronounce: Naram) Soft
- નવરાશ: (Pronounce: Navarash) Leisure
- નસ: (Pronounce: Nas) Vein
- નસીબ: (Pronounce: Nasiib) Fortune
- નળી: (Pronounce: Nalii) Tube
- નાક: (Pronounce: Naak) Nose
- નાનું: (Pronounce: Naanu) Small
- નવું: (Pronounce: Navu) New
- નવનીત: (Pronounce: Navaniit) Butter
- નાદાન: (Pronounce: Naadaan) Childish
- નાભિ: (Pronounce: Naabhi) Navel
પ (P)
- પચાસ : (Pronounce: Pachaas) Number સંખ્યા 50 (૫૦)
- પા: (Pronounce: Pa) Quarter (as in portion)
- પાણિ: (Pronounce: Paani) Hand
- પાણી: (Pronounce: Paani) Water
- પાણો: (Pronounce: Paano) Road rock
- પોણું: (Pronounce: Ponu) Three Quarters
- પિતા: (Pronounce: Peeta) Father, Daddy
- પરદેશ: (Pronounce: Pardesh) Foreign, Overseas
- પરબ: (Pronounce: Parab) A place that serves free drinking water
- પ્રકાશ: (Pronounce: Prakash) Light (Synonyms: તેજ)
- પ્રજા: (Pronounce: Praja) Residents of a town, city or country ruled by a king or emperor, Citizens (Synonyms: રૈયત)
- પ્રણવ: (Pronounce: Prananv) Holly word OM (Synonyms: ઓંકાર એક અક્ષરરૂપ મંત્ર)
- પ્રદિપ: (Pronounce: Pradip) Lamp (Synonyms: દિપક)
- પ્રભા: (Pronounce: Prabha) Morning
- પ્રભાકર: (Pronounce: Prabhaakar) Sun (Synonyms: ભાનું,સૂર્ય)
- પ્રેમ: (Pronounce: Prem) Love
- પર્વત: (Pronounce: Parvat) Hill, Mountain
- પહોળાઈ: (Pronounce: Paholai) Width
- પંકજ: (Pronounce: Pankaj) Lotus (Synonyms: કમળ, પદ્મ, રાજીવ, અરવિંદ)
- પોળ: (Pronounce: Pol) Street
- પદ: (Pronounce: Pad) Designation
- પનો: (Pronounce: Pano) Width of cloth
- પયગામ: (Pronounce: Payagam) Message
- પરવા: (Pronounce: Parava) Care
- પરિઘ: (Pronounce: Parigh) Circumference
- પુસ્તક: (Pronounce: Pustak) Book
- પિત્તળ: (Pronounce: Pittal) Brass
- પ્રથમ: (Pronounce: Pratham) First
- પૂજા: (Pronounce: Pooja) Worship
- પૂર: (Pronounce: Pur) Flood
ફ (F)
- ફૂલ: (Pronounce: Ful) Flower
- ફોરમ: (Pronounce: Foram) Aroma, Fragrance, Scent, Perfume
- ફકરો: (Pronounce: Fakaro) Paragraph
- ફક્કડ: (Pronounce: Fakkad) Dandyish
- ફકત: (Pronounce: Fakt) Only
- ફગાવવું: (Pronounce: Fagavavu) To reject
- ફજેત: (Pronounce: Fajet) Put to shame
- ફટકડી: (Pronounce: Fatkadii) Alum
- ફટકો: (Pronounce: Fatako) Blow
- ફટાકડો: (Pronounce: Fatakado) Cracker
- ફડચો: (Pronounce: Fadacho) Settlement
- ફફડાટ: (Pronounce: Fafdat) Sudden fright
- ફના: (Pronounce: Fanna) Destroyed
- ફરક: (Pronounce: Farak) Difference
- ફરજ: (Pronounce: Faraj) Duty
- ફરસ: (Pronounce: Farash) Pavement
- ફળ: (Pronounce: Fal) Fruit
- ફસલ: (Pronounce: Fasal) Crop harvest
- ફાચર: (Pronounce: Fachar) Wedge
- ફાટ: (Pronounce: Faat) Crack
- ફાનસ: (Pronounce: Faaraj) Duty
- ફાની: (Pronounce: Faanii) Perishable
- ફાલ: (Pronounce: Faal) Crop
- ફાળો: (Pronounce: Faalo) Contribution
- ફીણ: (Pronounce: Fiin) Foam
- ફુગાવો: (Pronounce: Fugavo) Inflation
- ફુદીનો: (Pronounce: Fudino) Mint
- ફાંટો: (Pronounce: Fanto) Branch
- ફોજ: (Pronounce: Foj) Army
- ફૂવડ: (Pronounce: Foovad) Lazy
બ (B)
- બકરી : (Pronounce: bakari) "' Goat"'
- બકબક : (Pronounce: bakabak) Prattle
- બાકાત : (Pronounce: baakaat) Omit
- બકારી : (Pronounce: bakarii) Nausea
- બકાલુ : (Pronounce: bakalu) Vegetables
- બગલ : (Pronounce: bagal) Armpit
- બગાડ : (Pronounce: bagad) Waste
- બગાસુ : (Pronounce: bagasu) Yawn
- બગી : (Pronounce: bagi) Buggy
- બગીચો : (Pronounce: bagicho) Garden
- બચત : (Pronounce: bachat) Savings
- બચાવ : (Pronounce: bachav) Defend
- બજાર : (Pronounce: bajar) Market
- બડાઈ : (Pronounce: badaii) Boasting
- બઢતી : (Pronounce: badhatii) Promotion
- બણગું : (Pronounce: banagu) Self-praise
- બતક : (Pronounce: batak) Duck
- બનાવ : (Pronounce: banav) Incident
- બસ : (Pronounce: bas) Sufficient
- બહાર : (Pronounce: bahar) Outside
- બહાલી : (Pronounce: bahalii) Approval
- બહુમત : (Pronounce: bahumat) Majority
- બળદ : (Pronounce: balad) Bullock
- બી : (Pronounce: bii) Seed
- બીબું: (Pronounce: biibu) Mould
- બીડ : (Pronounce: biid) Meadow
- બીક : (Pronounce: biik) Fear
- બેશક : (Pronounce: beshak) Undoubtful
- બેધડક : (Pronounce: bedhadak) Fearlessly
- બેભાન : (Pronounce: bebhan) Unconscious
ભ (Bh)
- ભાનુ: (Pronounce: Bhanu) Sun (Synonyms: સૂર્ય)
- ભગવાન: (Pronounce:Bhagwan) Lord, God
- ભડ: (Pronounce:Bhad) Daring
- ભડાકો: (Pronounce:Bhadako) Explosion
- ભણતર: (Pronounce:Bhanatar) Education
- ભદ્ર: (Pronounce:Bhadra) High-born
- ભપકો: (Pronounce:Bhapako) Pomp
- ભય: (Pronounce:Bhay) Fear
- ભરતી: (Pronounce:Bharati) Tide
- ભરમ: (Pronounce:Bharam) Secret
- ભરવાડ: (Pronounce:Bharavad) Shepherd
- ભરાવો: (Pronounce:Bharavo) Congestion
- ભરોસો: (Pronounce:Bharoso) Trust
- ભલાઈ: (Pronounce:Bhalaii) Kindness
- ભલામણ: (Pronounce:Bhalaman) Recommendation
- ભાઈ: (Pronounce:Bhaii) Brother
- ભાવ: (Pronounce:Bhaav) Rate
- ભાળ: (Pronounce:Bhaal) Information
- ભાવિ: (Pronounce:Bhaavi) Future
- ભિક્ષા: (Pronounce:Bhiksha) Begging
મ (M)
- મેજ: (Pronounce: Mej) Table
- માતા: (Pronounce: Mata) Mother, Mom
- મનન: (Pronounce: Manan) Meditation, Thought, Consideration, Reflection (Synonyms: ચિંતન)
- મકાઈ: (Pronounce: Makaii) Maize
- મકાન: (Pronounce: Makan) House
- મક્કમ: (Pronounce: Makkam) Firm
- મખમલ: (Pronounce: Makhamal) Velvet
- મગજ: (Pronounce: Magaj) Brain
- મગદળ: (Pronounce: Magadal) Dumbbell
- મગફળી: (Pronounce: Magafalii) Ground nut
- મગર: (Pronounce: Magar) Corcodile
- મજબૂત: (Pronounce: Majaboot) Strong
- મજા: (Pronounce: Maja) Delight, joy
- મણ: (Pronounce: Man) Maund, approx.18.66 kgs weight
- મત: (Pronounce: Mat) Opinion
- મતલબ: (Pronounce: Matalab) Purpose
- મદ: (Pronounce: Mad) Intoxication
- મદદ: (Pronounce: Madad) Help
- મધ: (Pronounce: Madh) Honey
- મદાર: (Pronounce: Madar) Trust
- માખ: (Pronounce: Maakh) Fly
- માખણ: (Pronounce: Maakhan) Butter
- માગ: (Pronounce: Maag) Demand
- માછલી: (Pronounce: Machalii) Fish
- માઝા: (Pronounce: Maaza) Limit
- માટલી: (Pronounce: Maatalii) Earthen pot
- માણસ: (Pronounce: Maanas) Human being
- માન: (Pronounce: Maan) Fame
- માદક: (Pronounce: Maadak) Intoxicating
- માધ્યમ: (Pronounce: Maadhyam) Medium
- મોલાત: (Pronounce: Molaat) Crop
ય (Y)
- યાત્રા: (Pronounce: Yaatra)```Journey, Trip, Voyage, Pilgrimage```
- યાત્રિક: (Pronounce: Yaatrik) Pilgrim, Traveller
- યકીન: (Pronounce: Yakeen) Faith
- યકૃત: (Pronounce: Yakrut) Lever
- યત્ન: (Pronounce: Yatna) Attempt
- યથા: (Pronounce: Yatha) According to
- યદિ: (Pronounce: Yadi) If
- યમ: (Pronounce: Yam) Self-control
- યંત્ર: (Pronounce: Yantra) Machine
- યાદી: (Pronounce: Yaadi) List
- યુગ: (Pronounce: Yug) Era
- યાતના: (Pronounce: Yaatana) Trouble
- યાચક: (Pronounce: Yaachak) Beggar
- યુક્તિ: (Pronounce: Yukti) Trick
- યુગલ: (Pronounce: Yugal) Couple
- યુવક: (Pronounce: Yuvak) Youth
- યુવરાજ: (Pronounce: Yuvraj) Prince
- યોગ: (Pronounce: Yog) Occasion
- યોગ્ય: (Pronounce: Yogi) Elgible
- યોજના: (Pronounce: Yojana) Plan
ર (R)
- રાજપૂત: (Pronounce: Rajput) Son of King, Member of Kshatriya dynasties
- રગ: (Pronounce: Rag) Nerve (Synonyms: નસ)
- રાત્રી: (Pronounce: Ratri) Night (Synonyms: નિશા,રજની)
- રમકડું: (Pronounce: Ramakadu) Toy
- રમત: (Pronounce: Ramat) Game, Sports, Play
- રમવું: (Pronounce: Ramvu) To play
- રંગ: (Pronounce: Rang) Colour
- રાઈ: (Pronounce: Rai) Mustard
- રૈયત: (Pronounce: Raiyat) Residents of a town, city or country ruled by a king or emperor, Citizens (Synonyms: પ્રજા)
- રકઝક: (Pronounce: Rakazak) To haggle
- રકમ: (Pronounce: Rakam) Amount
- રક્ષણ: (Pronounce: Rakshan) Protection
- રખાત: (Pronounce: Rakhaat) Mistress
- રઘવાટ: (Pronounce: Raghavat) Panic
- રચના: (Pronounce: Rachana) Construction
- રજત: (Pronounce: Rajat) Silver
- રજા: (Pronounce: Raja) Permission
- રજ: (Pronounce: Raj) Dust
- રણ: (Pronounce: Ran) Desert
- રત: (Pronounce: Rat) Attached to
- રદ: (Pronounce: Rad) Cancelled
- રબર: (Pronounce: Rabar) Rubber
- રવ: (Pronounce: Rav) Sound
- રવાના: (Pronounce: Ravana) Despatched
- રળતર: (Pronounce: Ralatar) Earning
- રાખ: (Pronounce: Raakh) Ash
- રાજા: (Pronounce: Raja) King
- રાજી: (Pronounce: Raajii) Agreeable
- રાવ: (Pronounce: Raav) Complain
- રેખા: (Pronounce: Rekha) Line
- રૂ: (Pronounce: Roo) Cotton
લ (L)
- લંબાઈ: (Pronounce: Lambai) Length
- લંબ: (Pronounce: Lamb) Perpendicular
- લકવો: (Pronounce: Lakvo) Paralysis
- લક્ષ: (Pronounce: Laksh) Aim
- લક્ષણ: (Pronounce: Lakshan) Symptom
- લખપતિ: (Pronounce: Lakapati) Millionare
- લખોટો: (Pronounce: Lakhoto) Marble
- લગભગ: (Pronounce: Lagabhag) About
- લગતુ: (Pronounce: Lagatu) Pertaining to
- લગાતાર: (Pronounce: Lagaatar) Continuously
- લગી: (Pronounce: Lagii) Upto
- લગ્ન: (Pronounce: Lagna) Marriage
- લડત: (Pronounce: Ladat) Mass movement
- લડાઈ: (Pronounce: Ladaii) Battle
- લત: (Pronounce: Latt) Addiction
- લત્તાં: (Pronounce: Latta) Creeper
- લત્તો: (Pronounce: La) Street
- લપ: (Pronounce: Lap) Trouble
- લપછપ: (Pronounce: Lapchhap) Intrigue
- લભ્ય: (Pronounce: Labhya) Available
- લલાટ: (Pronounce: Lalaat) Forehead
- લવણ: (Pronounce: Lavan) Salt
- લવાદ: (Pronounce: Lavaad) Arbitration
- લવાજમ: (Pronounce: Lavaajam) Subscription
- લસણ: (Pronounce: Lasan) Garlic
- લાલ: (Pronounce: Laal) Red
- લાળ: (Pronounce: Laal) Saliva
- લીમડો: (Pronounce: Liimado) Neem tree
- લીલ: (Pronounce: Liil) Moss
- લીન: (Pronounce: Liin) Engrossed in
વ (V)
- વંદન: (Pronounce: Vandan) Privileged Salute
- વાયવ્ય: (Pronounce: Vaayavya) One of the 4 secondary directions, north-west
- વાયુ: (Pronounce: Vaayu) Gas, Air
- વાર્તા: (Pronounce: Vaarta) Story
- વાઘ: (Pronounce: Vaagh) Tiger
- વકરો: (Pronounce: Vakaro) Sale, Turnover
- વકી: (Pronounce: Vakii) Possibility
- વકીલ: (Pronounce: Vakiil) Lawyer
- વક્રતા: (Pronounce: Vaktta) Speaker
- વક્ર: (Pronounce: Vakra) Curved
- વખત: (Pronounce: Vakhat) Time
- વખાણ: (Pronounce: Vakhaan) Praise
- વખાર: (Pronounce: Vakhar) Godown
- વગડો: (Pronounce: Vagdo) Barren
- વગર: (Pronounce: Vagar) Without
- વગેરે: (Pronounce: Vagere) Et cetera
- વચન: (Pronounce: Vachan) Promise
- વઘારણી: (Pronounce: Vaghaarani) Asafoetida
- વજન: (Pronounce: Vajan) Weight
- વજૂદ: (Pronounce: Vajood) Truth
- વડે: (Pronounce: Vade) By
- વણકર: (Pronounce: Vanakar) Weaver
- વડ: (Pronounce: Vad) Banyan tree
- વતન: (Pronounce: Vatan) Native place
- વન: (Pronounce: Van) Forest
- વરસ: (Pronounce: Varas) Year
- વરાળ: (Pronounce: Varaal) Vapour
- વરદાન: (Pronounce: Varadaan) Promise
- વરસાદ: (Pronounce: Varasaad) Rain
- વસંત: (Pronounce: Vasant) Spring season
સ (S)
- સમય: (Pronounce: Samay) Time
- સીતા: (Pronounce: Sita) 'Sita, Consort of Lord Rama, Key female character from Ramayan, Icon of good character' (Synonyms: જાનકી)
- સૂર્ય: (Pronounce: Surya)Sun (Synonyms: ભાનુ,પ્રભાકર)
- સોય: (Pronounce: Soy) Needle
- સર્વત્ર: (Pronounce: Sarvatra)Everywhere
- સરકવું: (Pronounce: Sarakvu) To crawl
- સરલ: (Pronounce: Saral)
- સરળ: (Pronounce: Saral) Easy, Simple, Painless, Straightforward, Trouble-free
- સમાચાર: (Pronounce: Samachar) News
- સખત: (Pronounce: Sakhat) Tough
- સગડ: (Pronounce: Sagad) Clue
- સગપણ: (Pronounce: Sagapan) Family relation
- સગવડ: (Pronounce: Sagavad) Facility
- સઘન: (Pronounce: Saghan) Deep
- સચિત્ર: (Pronounce: Sachitra) Illustrated
- સચિવ: (Pronounce: Sachiv) Secretary
- સચોટ: (Pronounce: Sachot) Unfailing
- સજા: (Pronounce: Saja) Punishment
- સડક: (Pronounce: Sadak) Road
- સડો: (Pronounce: Sado) Putrefaction
- સઢ: (Pronounce: Sadh) Sail
- સત્કાર: (Pronounce: Satkar) Welcome
- સતત: (Pronounce: Satat) Continuous
- સત્ય: (Pronounce: Satya) Truth
- સત્ર: (Pronounce: Satra) Semester
- સદન: (Pronounce: Sadan) House
- સપનુ: (Pronounce: Sapanu) Dream
- સપાટી: (Pronounce: Sapati) Surface
- સફર: (Pronounce: Safar) Tour
- સફાઈ: (Pronounce: Safaii) Neatness
- સમતા: (Pronounce: Samata) Equality
શ (Sh)
- શાંતિ: (Pronounce: Shanti) Peace, Silence, Stillness, Quiet, Calm
- શબ્દ: (Pronounce: Shabd) Word
- શરીર: (Pronounce: Sharir) Body (Synonyms: તન)
- શિલ્પ: (Pronounce: Sheelp) Sculpture, Statue, Carving, Monument
- શર્વિલ: (Pronounce: Sharveel) Lord Shiv
- શશી: (Pronounce: Shashi) Moon (Synonyms: ચંન્દ્ર)
- શસ્ત્ર: (Pronounce: Shashtra) Weapon
- શૅર: (Pronounce: Sher) Lion
- શક: (Pronounce: Shak) Epoch
- શકટ: (Pronounce: Shakat) Cart
- શક્તિ: (Pronounce: Shakti) Energy
- શણ: (Pronounce: Shan) Linen
- શત: (Pronounce: Shat) Hundred
- શત્રુ: (Pronounce: Shatru) Enemy
- શય્યા: (Pronounce: Shayya) Bed
- શરમ: (Pronounce: Sharam) Shame
- શહેર: (Pronounce: Shaher) City
- શારડી: (Pronounce: Sharadi) Gimlet
- શાકાહાર: (Pronounce: Shakahar) Vegetarian
- શાદી: (Pronounce: Shadi) Marriage
- શાખા: (Pronounce: Shakha) Branch
- શિખર: (Pronounce: Shikhir) Peak
- શિલ્પ: (Pronounce: Shilp) Sculpture
- શીત: (Pronounce: Shiit) Cold
- શૂન્ય: (Pronounce: Shiit) Zero
- શેઠ: (Pronounce: Sheth) Employer
ષ (Shh)
- ષટ્કોણ: (Pronounce: Shtkon) Hexagon
- ષટ્પદ: (Pronounce: Shtpad) Wasp
- ષડ્યંત્ર: (Pronounce: Shdyantra) Conspiracy
- ષષ્ટિ: (Pronounce: Shashti) Sixty
હ (H)
- હાથ: (Pronounce: Haath) Hand (Synonyms: કર,હસ્ત)
- હાથી: (Pronounce: Haathi) Elephant (Synonyms: ગજરાજ)
- હસ્ત: (Pronounce: Hast) Hand (Synonyms: કર,હાથ)
- હસવું: (Pronounce: Hasvu) To laugh (Synonyms: )
- હક: (Pronounce: Hak) Right
- હકાર: (Pronounce: Hakar) Affirmation
- હકીમ: (Pronounce: Hakim) Physician
- હકૂમત: (Pronounce: Hakoomat) Authority
- હઠ: (Pronounce: Hath) Obstnacy
- હદ: (Pronounce: Had) Boundary
- હરસ: (Pronounce: Haras) Piles
- હવા: (Pronounce: Hava) Air
- હમાલ: (Pronounce: Hamal) Porter
- હિંગ: (Pronounce: Hing) Asafoetida
- હિમ: (Pronounce: Him) Snow
- હિમાયત: (Pronounce: Himayat) Advocacy
- હીરો: (Pronounce: Hiro) Diamond
- હેરત: (Pronounce: Herat) Surprise
- હોઠ: (Pronounce: Hath) Lip
- હોડી: (Pronounce: Hodii) Boat
ક્ષ (Ksh) (Help for pronunciation: Axe + Shutter; separate the sound of '-xe' from 'Axe' and that of 'shu-' from 'shutter' and try to speak them one after another in quick succession; or try sneezing: 'Aa-ksh-oo')
- ક્ષત્રિય: (Pronounce Kshatriya) Ruler, King, Adminstrator and member of Kshatriya caste
- ક્ષતિ: (Pronounce: Kshati) Damage, Loss
- ક્ષણ: (Pronounce: Kshan) Moment
- ક્ષમતા: (Pronounce: Kshamata) Capability
- ક્ષમા: (Pronounce: Kshama) Pardon
- ક્ષય: (Pronounce: Kshay) Tuberculosis
- ક્ષાર: (Pronounce: Kshaar) Salt
- ક્ષિતિજ: (Pronounce: Kshatij) Horizon
- ક્ષીણ: (Pronounce: Kshin) Warn-out
- ક્ષુદ્રતા: (Pronounce: Kshudra) Trivial
- ક્ષુધા: (Pronounce: Kshudha) Hungry
- ક્ષુલ્લક: (Pronounce: Kshulluk) Insignificant
- ક્ષેત્રફળ: (Pronounce: Kshetrafal) Area
- ક્ષેમકુશળ: (Pronounce: Kshemkushal) Healthy
- ક્ષોભ: (Pronounce: Kshobh) Bashfulness
જ્ઞ (Gyna)