This module contains definitions and metadata for language codes. See વિક્શનરી:ભાષાઓ for more information.

This module must not be used directly in other modules or templates. The data should be accessed through Module:ભાષાઓ.

Required values ફેરફાર કરો

Every entry in the table must contain the following properties:

A list of all the names that this language is known by. The first name listed is always the "canonical" name, which is used in Wiktionary entries and category names. The list should include not only synonyms for the language, but also names that refer to language varieties that are subsumed under the same grouping. For example, while "Flemish" is not synonymous with "Dutch", Flemish is considered a part of Dutch, so the name is listed there.
The type of language (which affects how it is handled on Wiktionary). Possible values are:
  • regular - This language is attested according to WT:CFI and therefore permitted in the main namespace. There may also be reconstructed terms for the language, which are placed in the Appendix namespace and must be prefixed with * to indicate a reconstruction. Most languages should use this.
  • reconstructed - This language is not attested according to CFI, and therefore is allowed only in the Appendix namespace. All terms in this language are reconstructed, and must be prefixed with *.
  • appendix-constructed - This language is attested but does not meet the additional requirements set out for constructed languages (WT:CFI#Constructed languages). Its entries must therefore be in the Appendix namespace, but they are not reconstructed and therefore should not have * prefixed in links.
A list of script codes, see વિક્શનરી:લિપિઓ. These represent all the scripts (writing systems) that this language employs, which are used on the main category of the language. If you do not know the script, use "None".
Most templates and modules will use a default script when no script is specified for them, but the script codes are interpreted in two different ways:
  • Templates and modules that use detect_script in Module:વેવસ્થા will try to detect the script (based on the characters in the text), using the list of scripts as a list of possible scripts to try to detect. If the script cannot be detected, the first listed script is used by default.
  • All other templates and modules will generally use the first script listed as the default script.
The code for the family that the language belongs to. See વિક્શનરી:પરિવારો. If you do not know the family, use "qfa-und".

Optional values ફેરફાર કરો

The following properties are used for text substitution; they replace or remove certain (sets of) characters or sets of characters. They all work similar, and are all optional. The search and replacement patterns are those used by the standard mw.ustring.gsub function. They resemble regular expressions; see search/replace patterns for more information.

If present, each of these properties must be a table that contains two tables, one named from and one named to. These two tables are organised pairwise: each element in from is a pattern to identify which characters in the term to replace, while the corresponding element in to defines what to replace them with. If the replacement is not present or if it is false or nil, it defaults to an empty replacement, meaning that the matching characters are removed altogether. This means that the from list can be longer than the to list, and an empty replacement will be assumed for any elements in from that have no counterpart in to.

At the top of the module, there is a list of combining characters with names. These are provided for convenience and readability, as combining characters generally do not display property inside the module code (although they do not affect the actual operation of the module).

Defines replacements to create the entry name from the displayed form of a term. This can be used to remove certain diacritical marks according to the customs or standard practice of the language. For example, it is used to remove accent marks from Russian words, or macrons from Latin or Old English words, as these are not used in the normal written form of these languages. This is used by remove_diacritics in Module:કડીઓ.
Defines replacements to create a category sort key from the page name. The purpose is to remove any characters that are ignored in sorting, and to replace similar characters with identical ones if the sorting rules for that language do not distinguish them. For example, in German, the characters "ä" and "a" are considered equivalent for sorting, and are both treated as "a". The page name is converted to lowercase before applying the replacements, so you should not add uppercase letters to the "from" lists. This is used by format_categories in Module:વેવસ્થા.

These are other optional values:

A list of gender specifications that are valid for the language. These are given in the format of Module:લિંગ અને વચન. This value acts as a restriction, so that if it is left out, all genders are considered valid. If the language has no genders, meaning that no gender is valid for that language, specify an empty list, genders = {}. Keep in mind that the word "gender" is used loosely in the sense of Wiktionary's implementation: it includes not just actual grammatical gender, but also grammatical number, noun classes and even verbal aspects. Thus, a language such as Russian will need to list not only the noun genders, but also the "impf" and "pf" codes for verbs, otherwise these will be rejected.
The name of a module that is used to generate transliterations of terms, without the Module: prefix. This module must export a function named tr that is defined as follows:
tr(text, lang, sc)
The three parameters are the text to be transliterated, the language code, and the script code. The function can ignore the language and script codes, but they are provided for cases when a language has more than one script, or when a single function is used to transliterate multiple languages sharing the same script.

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE	    = "\204\128" -- U+0300
local ACUTE	    = "\204\129" -- U+0301
local CIRC	    = "\204\130" -- U+0302
local TILDE	    = "\204\131" -- U+0303
local MACRON    = "\204\132" -- U+0304
local BREVE	    = "\204\134" -- U+0306
local DOTABOVE  = "\204\135" -- U+0307
local DIAER     = "\204\136" -- U+0308
local CARON     = "\204\140" -- U+030C
local DGRAVE    = "\204\143" -- U+030F
local INVBREVE  = "\204\145" -- U+0311
local DOTBELOW  = "\204\163" -- U+0323
local RINGBELOW = "\204\165" -- U+0325
local CEDILLA   = "\204\167" -- U+0327

local m = {}

m["aaa"] = {
	names = {"Ghotuo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-edo"}
m["aab"] = {
	names = {"Alumu-Tesu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["aac"] = {
	names = {"Ari"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aad"] = {
	names = {"Amal"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa-iwm"}
m["aae"] = {
	names = {"Arbëreshë Albanian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sqj"}
m["aaf"] = {
	names = {"Aranadan"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "dra"}
m["aag"] = {
	names = {"Ambrak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aah"] = {
	names = {"Abu' Arapesh"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aai"] = {
	names = {"Arifama-Miniafia"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aak"] = {
	names = {"Ankave"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aal"] = {
	names = {"Afade"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cdc-cbm"}
m["aam"] = {
	names = {"Aramanik"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sdv"}
m["aan"] = {
	names = {"Anambé"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["aao"] = {
	names = {"Algerian Saharan Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["aap"] = {
	names = {"Pará Arára"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sai-car"}
m["aaq"] = {
	names = {"Penobscot", "Eastern Abenaki", "Eastern Abnaki"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alg"}
m["aas"] = {
	names = {"Aasax", "Aasáx"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aat"] = {
	names = {"Arvanitika Albanian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sqj"}
m["aau"] = {
	names = {"Abau"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "paa"}
m["aaw"] = {
	names = {"Solong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aax"] = {
	names = {"Mandobo Atas"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aaz"] = {
	names = {"Amarasi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["aba"] = {
	names = {"Abé"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["abb"] = {
	names = {"Bankon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["abc"] = {
	names = {"Ambala Ayta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["abd"] = {
	names = {"Camarines Norte Agta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "phi"}
m["abe"] = {
	names = {"Abenaki", "Western Abenaki", "Abnaki", "Western Abnaki"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alg"}
m["abf"] = {
	names = {"Abai Sungai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz"}
m["abg"] = {
	names = {"Abaga"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["abh"] = {
	names = {"Tajiki Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["abi"] = {
	names = {"Abidji"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["abj"] = {
	names = {"Aka-Bea", "Bea"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["abl"] = {
	names = {"Abung", "Pepadun", "Lampung Nyo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz"}
m["abm"] = {
	names = {"Abanyom"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["abn"] = {
	names = {"Abua"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["abo"] = {
	names = {"Abon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["abp"] = {
	names = {"Abenlen Ayta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["abq"] = {
	names = {"Abaza"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nwc",
	translit_module = "abq-translit"}
m["abr"] = {
	names = {"Abron", "Brong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["abs"] = {
	names = {"Ambonese Malay"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "crp"}
m["abt"] = {
	names = {"Ambulas"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "paa"}
m["abu"] = {
	names = {"Abure"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["abv"] = {
	names = {"Baharna Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["abw"] = {
	names = {"Pal"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["abx"] = {
	names = {"Inabaknon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-sbj"}
m["aby"] = {
	names = {"Aneme Wake"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["abz"] = {
	names = {"Abui"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aca"] = {
	names = {"Achagua"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "awd"}
m["acb"] = {
	names = {"Áncá"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["acd"] = {
	names = {"Gikyode"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["ace"] = {
	names = {"Acehnese", "Achinese", "Atjehnese"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-msa"}
m["ach"] = {
	names = {"Acholi", "Acoli", "Shuli", "Acooli"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sdv"}
m["aci"] = {
	names = {"Aka-Cari", "Cari", "Aka-Kari", "Kari", "Chariar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["ack"] = {
	names = {"Aka-Kora", "Kora"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["acl"] = {
	names = {"Akar-Bale"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["acm"] = {
	names = {"Iraqi Arabic", "Mesopotamian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["acn"] = {
	names = {"Achang", "Xiandao"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["acp"] = {
	names = {"Eastern Acipa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["acq"] = {
	names = {"Ta'izzi-Adeni Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["acr"] = {
	names = {"Achi", "Achí", "Achi Maya", "Cubulco Achi", "Cubulco Achí", "Cubulco Achi'"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "myn"}
m["acs"] = {
	names = {"Acroá"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sai-jee"}
m["acu"] = {
	names = {"Achuar", "Achuar-Shiwiar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-jiv"}
m["acv"] = {
	names = {"Achumawi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-pal"}
m["acw"] = {
	names = {"Hijazi Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["acx"] = {
	names = {"Omani Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["acy"] = {
	names = {"Cypriot Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["acz"] = {
	names = {"Acheron", "Asheron"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic"}
m["ada"] = {
	names = {"Adangme", "Dangme"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["adb"] = {
	names = {"Adabe"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["add"] = {
	names = {"Dzodinka"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["ade"] = {
	names = {"Adele"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["adf"] = {
	names = {"Dhofari Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["adg"] = {
	names = {"Andegerebinha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["adh"] = {
	names = {"Adhola"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sdv"}
m["adi"] = {
	names = {"Adi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["adj"] = {
	names = {"Adioukrou", "Adjukru", "Adyoukrou", "Adyukru", "Ajukru"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["adl"] = {
	names = {"Galo", "Gallong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["adn"] = {
	names = {"Adang"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["ado"] = {
	names = {"Abu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "paa"}
m["adp"] = {
	names = {"Adap"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["adq"] = {
	names = {"Adangbe", "Agotime"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["adr"] = {
	names = {"Adonara"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["ads"] = {
	names = {"Adamorobe Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["adt"] = {
	names = {"Adnyamathanha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-psw"}
m["adu"] = {
	names = {"Aduge"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-edo"}
m["adw"] = {
	names = {"Amundava"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["adx"] = {
	names = {"Amdo Tibetan", "Amdo", "Panang"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["ady"] = {
	names = {"Adyghe", "West Circassian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nwc",
	translit_module = "ady-translit"}
m["adz"] = {
	names = {"Adzera"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aea"] = {
	names = {"Areba"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["aeb"] = {
	names = {"Tunisian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["aec"] = {
	names = {"Saidi Arabic", "Sa'idi Arabic", "Upper Egyptian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["aed"] = {
	names = {"Argentine Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["aee"] = {
	names = {"Northeast Pashayi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "iir-dar"}
m["aek"] = {
	names = {"Haeke"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-cln"}
m["ael"] = {
	names = {"Ambele"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["aem"] = {
	names = {"Arem"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aav"}
m["aen"] = {
	names = {"Armenian Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["aeq"] = {
	names = {"Aer"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "inc"}
m["aer"] = {
	names = {"Eastern Arrernte"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["aes"] = {
	names = {"Alsea", "Yaquina", "Yakwina", "Alseya", "Yakona"}, -- names of the two dialects that make up the language
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aeu"] = {
	names = {"Akeu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["aew"] = {
	names = {"Ambakich", "Aion", "Porapora"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["aey"] = {
	names = {"Amele"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aez"] = {
	names = {"Aeka"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["afb"] = {
	names = {"Gulf Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["afd"] = {
	names = {"Andai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["afe"] = {
	names = {"Putukwam"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["afg"] = {
	names = {"Afghan Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["afh"] = {
	names = {"Afrihili"},
	type = "appendix-constructed",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "art"}
m["afi"] = {
	names = {"Akrukay"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["afk"] = {
	names = {"Nanubae"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["afn"] = {
	names = {"Defaka"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic"}
m["afo"] = {
	names = {"Eloyi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["afp"] = {
	names = {"Tapei"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["afs"] = {
	names = {"Afro-Seminole Creole"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "crp"}
m["aft"] = {
	names = {"Afitti"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sdv"}
m["afu"] = {
	names = {"Awutu", "Efutu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["afz"] = {
	names = {"Obokuitai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["aga"] = {
	names = {"Aguano"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["agb"] = {
	names = {"Legbo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["agc"] = {
	names = {"Agatu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["agd"] = {
	names = {"Agarabi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa-kag"}
m["age"] = {
	names = {"Angal"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["agf"] = {
	names = {"Arguni"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["agg"] = {
	names = {"Angor"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["agh"] = {
	names = {"Ngelima"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "bnt"}
m["agi"] = {
	names = {"Agariya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "mun"}
m["agj"] = {
	names = {"Argobba"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Ethi"},
	family = "sem-eth"}
m["agk"] = {
	names = {"Isarog Agta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["agl"] = {
	names = {"Fembe", "Agala"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["agm"] = {
	names = {"Angaataha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["agn"] = {
	names = {"Agutaynen"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["ago"] = {
	names = {"Tainae"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["agq"] = {
	names = {"Aghem"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["agr"] = {
	names = {"Aguaruna"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-jiv"}
m["ags"] = {
	names = {"Esimbi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["agt"] = {
	names = {"Central Cagayan Agta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["agu"] = {
	names = {"Aguacateco", "Awakatek", "Aguacatec"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "myn"}
m["agv"] = {
	names = {"Remontado Agta", "Remontado Dumagat", "Sinauna", "Hatang Kayey"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["agw"] = {
	names = {"Kahua"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-sls"}
m["agx"] = {
	names = {"Aghul", "Agul"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nec"}
m["agy"] = {
	names = {"Southern Alta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["agz"] = {
	names = {"Mt. Iriga Agta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["aha"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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	names = {"Qimant"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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m["ahh"] = {
	names = {"Aghu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "kro"}
m["ahk"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["ahl"] = {
	names = {"Igo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["ahm"] = {
	names = {"Mobumrin Aizi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "kro"}
m["ahn"] = {
	names = {"Àhàn"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["aho"] = {
	names = {"Ahom"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tai"}
m["ahp"] = {
	names = {"Aproumu Aizi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "kro"}
m["ahr"] = {
	names = {"Ahirani"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "inc"}
m["ahs"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["aht"] = {
	names = {"Ahtna"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ath-nor"}
m["aia"] = {
	names = {"Arosi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-sls"}
m["aib"] = {
	names = {"Aynu", "Ainu", "Ainu (China)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "trk"}
m["aic"] = {
	names = {"Ainbai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["aid"] = {
	names = {"Alngith"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-pmn"}
m["aie"] = {
	names = {"Amara"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aif"] = {
	names = {"Agi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aig"] = {
	names = {"Antigua and Barbuda Creole English"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "crp"}
m["aih"] = {
	names = {"Ai-Cham"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tak"}
m["aii"] = {
	names = {"Assyrian Neo-Aramaic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Syrc"},
	family = "sem-ara"}
m["aij"] = {
	names = {"Lishanid Noshan"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-ara"}
m["aik"] = {
	names = {"Ake"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["ail"] = {
	names = {"Aimele"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aim"] = {
	names = {"Aimol"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq-kuk"}
m["ain"] = {
	names = {"Ainu", "Ainu (Japan)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Kana", "Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "qfa-iso"}
m["aio"] = {
	names = {"Aiton"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tai-swe"}
m["aip"] = {
	names = {"Burumakok"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aiq"] = {
	names = {"Aimaq"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ira"}
m["air"] = {
	names = {"Airoran"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["ais"] = {
	names = {"Nataoran Amis"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "map"}
m["ait"] = {
	names = {"Arikem"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["aiw"] = {
	names = {"Aari"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "omv"}
m["aix"] = {
	names = {"Aighon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aiy"] = {
	names = {"Ali"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["aja"] = {
	names = {"Aja", "Adja", "Aja (Sudan)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "csu"}
m["ajg"] = {
	names = {"Adja", "Aja", "Aja (Benin)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["aji"] = {
	names = {"Ajië"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-cln"}
m["ajn"] = {
	names = {"Andajin"}, -- sometimes considered a dialect of 'ung'
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ajp"] = {
	names = {"South Levantine Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ajt"] = {
	names = {"Judeo-Tunisian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Hebr"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["aju"] = {
	names = {"Judeo-Moroccan Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Hebr"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ajw"] = {
	names = {"Ajawa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cdc-wst"}
m["ajz"] = {
	names = {"Amri Karbi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["akb"] = {
	names = {"Angkola Batak", "Batak Angkola"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Batk"},
	family = "btk"}
m["akc"] = {
	names = {"Mpur"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["akd"] = {
	names = {"Ukpet-Ehom"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["ake"] = {
	names = {"Akawaio"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sai-car"}
m["akf"] = {
	names = {"Akpa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["akg"] = {
	names = {"Anakalangu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["akh"] = {
	names = {"Angal Heneng"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aki"] = {
	names = {"Aiome"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["akj"] = {
	names = {"Jeru", "Aka-Jeru"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["akk"] = {
	names = {"Akkadian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Xsux"},
	family = "sem-eas"}
m["akl"] = {
	names = {"Aklanon", "Aklan", "Akeanon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "phi"}
m["akm"] = {
	names = {"Aka-Bo", "Ba", "Bo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["ako"] = {
	names = {"Akurio"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sai-car"}
m["akp"] = {
	names = {"Siwu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["akq"] = {
	names = {"Ak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["akr"] = {
	names = {"Araki"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-vnc"}
m["aks"] = {
	names = {"Akaselem"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-gur"}
m["akt"] = {
	names = {"Akolet"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aku"] = {
	names = {"Akum"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["akv"] = {
	names = {"Akhvakh"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nec"}
m["akw"] = {
	names = {"Akwa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "bnt"}
m["akx"] = {
	names = {"Aka-Kede", "Kede"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["aky"] = {
	names = {"Aka-Kol", "Kol"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["akz"] = {
	names = {"Alabama"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-mus"}
m["ala"] = {
	names = {"Alago"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["alc"] = {
	names = {"Kawésqar", "Qawasqar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aqa"}
m["ald"] = {
	names = {"Alladian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["ale"] = {
	names = {"Aleut", "Aleutian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "esx"}
m["alf"] = {
	names = {"Alege"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["alh"] = {
	names = {"Alawa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ali"] = {
	names = {"Amaimon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["alj"] = {
	names = {"Alangan"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["alk"] = {
	names = {"Alak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "mkh"}
m["all"] = {
	names = {"Allar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "dra"}
m["alm"] = {
	names = {"Amblong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-vnc"}
m["aln"] = {
	names = {"Gheg Albanian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sqj"}
m["alo"] = {
	names = {"Larike-Wakasihu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["alp"] = {
	names = {"Alune"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["alq"] = {
	names = {"Algonquin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alg"}
m["alr"] = {
	names = {"Alutor"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "qfa-cka"}
m["alt"] = {
	names = {"Southern Altai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk"}
m["alu"] = {
	names = {"'Are'are", "Areare"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-sls"}
m["alw"] = {
	names = {"Alaba", "Alaba-K'abeena"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cus"}
m["alx"] = {
	names = {"Amol"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aly"] = {
	names = {"Alyawarr"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["alz"] = {
	names = {"Alur"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sdv"}
m["ama"] = {
	names = {"Amanayé"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["amb"] = {
	names = {"Ambo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["amc"] = {
	names = {"Amahuaca"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-pan"}
m["ame"] = {
	names = {"Yanesha'", "Amuesha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "awd"}
m["amf"] = {
	names = {"Hamer-Banna"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "omv"}
m["amg"] = {
	names = {"Amurdag", "Amarag"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-wdj"}
m["ami"] = {
	names = {"Amis"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "map"}
m["amj"] = {
	names = {"Amdang"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ssa-fur"}
m["amk"] = {
	names = {"Ambai", "Wadapi-Laut"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-hce"}
m["aml"] = {
	names = {"War-Jaintia"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aav"}
m["amm"] = {
	names = {"Ama", "Ama (New Guinea)", "Ama (Papua New Guinea)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-mal"}
m["amn"] = {
	names = {"Amanab"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["amo"] = {
	names = {"Amo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["amp"] = {
	names = {"Alamblak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "paa"}
m["amq"] = {
	names = {"Amahai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "plf"}
m["amr"] = {
	names = {"Amarakaeri"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ams"] = {
	names = {"Southern Amami-Oshima"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "jpx"}
m["amt"] = {
	names = {"Amto"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["amu"] = {
	names = {"Amuzgo", "Guerrero Amuzgo"}, -- WP suggests this is only one dialect of Amzugo, which could make it misleading to call it plain Amzugo
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "omq"}
m["amv"] = {
	names = {"Ambelau"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz"}
m["amw"] = {
	names = {"Western Neo-Aramaic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-ara"}
m["amx"] = {
	names = {"Anmatyerre"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["amy"] = {
	names = {"Ami", "Ame", "Amijangal"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["amz"] = {
	names = {"Atampaya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["ana"] = {
	names = {"Andaqui"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["anb"] = {
	names = {"Andoa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-zap"}
m["anc"] = {
	names = {"Angas"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cdc-wst"}
m["and"] = {
	names = {"Ansus"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-hce"}
m["ane"] = {
	names = {"Xârâcùù"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-cln"}
m["anf"] = {
	names = {"Animere"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["ang"] = {
	names = {"Old English", "Anglo-Saxon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latinx"},
	family = "gmw",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ā", "ā", "Ǣ", "ǣ", "Ċ", "ċ", "Ē", "ē", "Ġ", "ġ", "Ī", "ī", "Ō", "ō", "Ū", "ū", "Ȳ", "ȳ"},
		to   = {"A", "a", "Æ", "æ", "C", "c", "E", "e", "G", "g", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u", "Y", "y"}} }
m["anh"] = {
	names = {"Nend"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["ani"] = {
	names = {"Andi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nec"}
m["anj"] = {
	names = {"Anor"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["ank"] = {
	names = {"Goemai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cdc-wst"}
m["anl"] = {
	names = {"Anu", "Khaungtso", "Anu-Hkongso Chin"}, -- the last name is the one used by the ISO, an unattested blend of the names of the lect's two dialects and half of the name of the place where it is spoken
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["anm"] = {
	names = {"Anal", "Namfau"}, -- the latter is a placename, not properly a language name, though it is encountered as one
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "tbq-kuk"}
m["ann"] = {
	names = {"Obolo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["ano"] = {
	names = {"Andoque"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-iso"}
m["anp"] = {
	names = {"Angika"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "inc"}
m["anq"] = {
	names = {"Jarawa", "Jarawa (India)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["anr"] = {
	names = {"Andh"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "inc"}
m["ans"] = {
	names = {"Anserma"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ant"] = {
	names = {"Antakarinya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-psw"}
m["anu"] = {
	names = {"Anuak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sdv"}
m["anv"] = {
	names = {"Denya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["anw"] = {
	names = {"Anaang"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["anx"] = {
	names = {"Andra-Hus"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-aay"}
m["any"] = {
	names = {"Anyi", "Anyin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["anz"] = {
	names = {"Anem"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aoa"] = {
	names = {"Angolar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp"}
m["aob"] = {
	names = {"Abom"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aoc"] = {
	names = {"Pemon", "Arekuna"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sai-car"}
m["aod"] = {
	names = {"Andarum"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["aoe"] = {
	names = {"Angal Enen"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aof"] = {
	names = {"Bragat"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aog"] = {
	names = {"Angoram"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aoh"] = {
	names = {"Arma"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aoi"] = {
	names = {"Anindilyakwa", "Enindhilyagwa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-arn"}
m["aoj"] = {
	names = {"Mufian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aok"] = {
	names = {"Arhö"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-cln"}
m["aol"] = {
	names = {"Alor", "Alorese"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz"}
m["aom"] = {
	names = {"Ömie"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["aon"] = {
	names = {"Bumbita Arapesh"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aor"] = {
	names = {"Aore"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-vnc"}
m["aos"] = {
	names = {"Taikat"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["aot"] = {
	names = {"A'tong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["aox"] = {
	names = {"Atorada"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "awd"}
m["aoz"] = {
	names = {"Uab Meto"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "plf"}
m["apb"] = {
	names = {"Sa'a", "South Malaita", "Apae'aa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-sls"}
m["apc"] = {
	names = {"North Levantine Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["apd"] = {
	names = {"Sudanese Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ape"] = {
	names = {"Bukiyip"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["apf"] = {
	names = {"Pahanan Agta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["apg"] = {
	names = {"Ampanang"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz"}
m["aph"] = {
	names = {"Athpare", "Athpariya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["api"] = {
	names = {"Apiaká"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["apj"] = {
	names = {"Jicarilla", "Jicarilla Apache"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "apa"}
m["apk"] = {
	names = {"Plains Apache", "Kiowa Apache"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "apa"}
m["apl"] = {
	names = {"Lipan", "Lipan Apache"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "apa"}
m["apm"] = {
	names = {"Chiricahua", "Mescalero", "Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache"}, -- two dialects combined by Ethnologue
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "apa"}
m["apn"] = {
	names = {"Apinayé"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["apo"] = {
	names = {"Ambul"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["app"] = {
	names = {"Apma"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-vnc"}
m["apq"] = {
	names = {"A-Pucikwar", "Pucikwar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-adm"}
m["apr"] = {
	names = {"Arop-Lokep"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aps"] = {
	names = {"Arop-Sissano"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["apt"] = {
	names = {"Apatani"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tbq"}
m["apu"] = {
	names = {"Apurinã"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "awd"}
m["apv"] = {
	names = {"Alapmunte"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sai-nmk"}
m["apw"] = {
	names = {"Western Apache"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "apa"}
m["apx"] = {
	names = {"Aputai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["apy"] = {
	names = {"Apalaí", "Apalai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sai-car"}
m["apz"] = {
	names = {"Safeyoka"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aqc"] = {
	names = {"Archi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nec"}
m["aqd"] = {
	names = {"Ampari Dogon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-dgn"}
m["aqg"] = {
	names = {"Arigidi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aqm"] = {
	names = {"Atohwaim"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aqn"] = {
	names = {"Northern Alta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aqp"] = {
	names = {"Atakapa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aqr"] = {
	names = {"Arhâ"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-cln"}
m["aqt"] = {
	names = {"Angaité"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aqz"] = {
	names = {"Akuntsu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["arc"] = {
	names = {"Aramaic", "Imperial Aramaic", "Official Aramaic", "Biblical Aramaic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Hebr", "Armi", "Syrc"},
	family = "sem-ara",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"\214\176", "\214\177", "\214\178", "\214\179", "\214\180", "\214\181", "\214\182", "\214\183", "\214\184", "\214\185", "\214\186", "\214\187", "\214\188", "\214\189", "\214\191", "\215\129", "\215\130"},
		to   = {}} }
m["ard"] = {
	names = {"Arabana"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-kar"}
m["are"] = {
	names = {"Western Arrernte"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["arh"] = {
	names = {"Arhuaco"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ari"] = {
	names = {"Arikara"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cdd"}
m["arj"] = {
	names = {"Arapaso"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ark"] = {
	names = {"Arikapú"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["arl"] = {
	names = {"Arabela"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-zap"}
m["arn"] = {
	names = {"Mapudungun"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-ara"}
m["aro"] = {
	names = {"Araona"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-tac"}
m["arp"] = {
	names = {"Arapaho"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alg"}
m["arq"] = {
	names = {"Algerian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["arr"] = {
	names = {"Arara-Karo", "Karo", "Karo (Brazil)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ars"] = {
	names = {"Najdi Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["aru"] = {
	names = {"Arua", "Aruá", "Arawa", "Arawá"}, -- extinct, spoken in northern Brazil, cf. 'arx'
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "auf"}
m["arv"] = {
	names = {"Arbore"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cus"}
m["arw"] = {
	names = {"Arawak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "awd"}
m["arx"] = {
	names = {"Aruá", "Arua", "Aruashi", "Aruáshi", "Aruachi"}, -- moribund, spoken in central Brazil, cf. 'aru'
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["ary"] = {
	names = {"Moroccan Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["arz"] = {
	names = {"Egyptian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["asa"] = {
	names = {"Asu", "Asu (Tanzania)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "bnt"}
m["asb"] = {
	names = {"Assiniboine"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sio"}
m["asc"] = {
	names = {"Casuarina Coast Asmat"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asd"] = {
	names = {"Asas"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ase"] = {
	names = {"American Sign Language", "Ameslan", "ASL"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Sgnw"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["asf"] = {
	names = {"Auslan", "Australian Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asg"] = {
	names = {"Cishingini"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ash"] = {
	names = {"Abishira"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-iso"}
m["asi"] = {
	names = {"Buruwai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asj"] = {
	names = {"Nsari", "Sari", "Saari"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["ask"] = {
	names = {"Ashkun"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asl"] = {
	names = {"Asilulu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "plf"}
m["asn"] = {
	names = {"Xingú Asuriní"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aso"] = {
	names = {"Dano"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["asp"] = {
	names = {"Algerian Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["asq"] = {
	names = {"Austrian Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["asr"] = {
	names = {"Asuri"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "mun"}
m["ass"] = {
	names = {"Ipulo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["ast"] = {
	names = {"Asturian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa"}
m["asu"] = {
	names = {"Tocantins Asurini"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asv"] = {
	names = {"Asoa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asw"] = {
	names = {"Australian Aboriginal Sign Language", "Australian Aborigines Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["asx"] = {
	names = {"Muratayak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf-fin"}
m["asy"] = {
	names = {"Yaosakor Asmat"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["asz"] = {
	names = {"As"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-hce"}
m["ata"] = {
	names = {"Pele-Ata"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atb"] = {
	names = {"Zaiwa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atc"] = {
	names = {"Atsahuaca"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-pan"}
m["atd"] = {
	names = {"Ata Manobo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["ate"] = {
	names = {"Atemble"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atg"] = {
	names = {"Okpela", "Ivbie North", "Arhe", "Ivbie North-Okpela-Arhe"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-edo"}
m["ati"] = {
	names = {"Attié"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atj"] = {
	names = {"Atikamekw"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alg"}
m["atk"] = {
	names = {"Ati"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atl"] = {
	names = {"Mt. Iraya Agta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["atm"] = {
	names = {"Ata"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atn"] = {
	names = {"Ashtiani"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ato"] = {
	names = {"Atong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["atp"] = {
	names = {"Pudtol Atta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["atq"] = {
	names = {"Aralle-Tabulahan"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atr"] = {
	names = {"Waimiri-Atroari"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sai-car"}
m["ats"] = {
	names = {"Gros Ventre", "Atsina"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alg"}
m["att"] = {
	names = {"Pamplona Atta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["atu"] = {
	names = {"Reel"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["atv"] = {
	names = {"Northern Altai"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk"}
m["atw"] = {
	names = {"Atsugewi", "Atsugé"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-pal"}
m["atx"] = {
	names = {"Arutani"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aty"] = {
	names = {"Aneityum"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-oce"}
m["atz"] = {
	names = {"Arta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aua"] = {
	names = {"Asumboa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-oce"}
m["aub"] = {
	names = {"Alugu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["auc"] = {
	names = {"Huaorani", "Waorani", "Sabela", "Wao", "Huao", "Aushiri", "Ssabela", "Wao Terero", "Auka", "Auca"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-iso"}
m["aud"] = {
	names = {"Anuta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-pol"}
m["aue"] = {
	names = {"ǂKxʼauǁʼein", "ǁAuǁei", "Auen", "Kaukau", "Koko", "Kung-Gobabis", "‡Kx'auǁ'ei", "ǂKx'auǁ'ein", "ǁX'auǁ'e"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aug"] = {
	names = {"Aguna"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["auh"] = {
	names = {"Aushi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aui"] = {
	names = {"Anuki"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["auj"] = {
	names = {"Augila", "Awjilah", "Awjila"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ber"}
m["auk"] = {
	names = {"Heyo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aul"] = {
	names = {"Aulua"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-vnc"}
m["aum"] = {
	names = {"Abewa", "Asu", "Asu (Nigeria)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aun"] = {
	names = {"Molmo One"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["auo"] = {
	names = {"Auyokawa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aup"] = {
	names = {"Makayam"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["auq"] = {
	names = {"Anus", "A", "Korur", "Korurnus"}, -- no name seems to be attested; lect may be the same as 'pdn'
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["aur"] = {
	names = {"Aruek"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["aut"] = {
	names = {"Austral"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-pol"}
m["auu"] = {
	names = {"Auye"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["auw"] = {
	names = {"Awyi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aux"] = {
	names = {"Aurá"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["auy"] = {
	names = {"Auyana"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["auz"] = {
	names = {"Uzbeki Arabic", "Uzbek Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["avb"] = {
	names = {"Avau"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["avd"] = {
	names = {"Alviri-Vidari", "Alviri", "Vidari"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"fa-Arab"},
	family = "ira"}
m["avi"] = {
	names = {"Avikam"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["avk"] = {
	names = {"Kotava"},
	type = "appendix-constructed",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "art"}
m["avl"] = {
	names = {"Eastern Egyptian Bedawi Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["avm"] = {
	names = {"Angkamuthi"}, -- sometimes considered a dialect of 'urf'
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pmn"}
m["avn"] = {
	names = {"Avatime"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv-kwa"}
m["avo"] = {
	names = {"Agavotaguerra"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "awd"}
m["avs"] = {
	names = {"Aushiri"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-zap"}
m["avt"] = {
	names = {"Au"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["avu"] = {
	names = {"Avokaya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["avv"] = {
	names = {"Avá-Canoeiro", "Avá", "Canoe"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["awa"] = {
	names = {"Awadhi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Deva", "Kthi", "fa-Arab"},
	family = "inc"}
m["awb"] = {
	names = {"Awa", "Awa (New Guinea)", "Awa (Papua New Guinea)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["awc"] = {
	names = {"Cicipu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["awe"] = {
	names = {"Awetí"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["awg"] = {
	names = {"Anguthimri", "Alngith", "Leningitij", "Mpakwithi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["awh"] = {
	names = {"Awbono"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["awi"] = {
	names = {"Aekyom", "Awin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["awk"] = {
	names = {"Awabakal"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["awm"] = {
	names = {"Arawum"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["awn"] = {
	names = {"Awngi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "cus"}
m["awo"] = {
	names = {"Awak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["awr"] = {
	names = {"Awera"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa-lkp"}
m["aws"] = {
	names = {"South Awyu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["awt"] = {
	names = {"Araweté"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "tup"}
m["awu"] = {
	names = {"Central Awyu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["awv"] = {
	names = {"Jair Awyu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aww"] = {
	names = {"Awun"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["awx"] = {
	names = {"Awara"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf-fin"}
m["awy"] = {
	names = {"Edera Awyu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["axb"] = {
	names = {"Abipon", "Abipón", "Callaga", "Kalyaga"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sai-gua"}
m["axe"] = {
	names = {"Ayerrerenge"}, -- a variety of Arrernte
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["axg"] = {
	names = {"Mato Grosso Arára"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["axk"] = {
	names = {"Yaka", "Yaka (Central African Republic)", "Aka", "Beka"}, -- distinguish from 'iyx' and 'yaf'
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "bnt"}
m["axl"] = {
	names = {"Lower Southern Aranda"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["axm"] = {
	names = {"Middle Armenian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Armn"},
	family = "hyx",
	translit_module = "Armn-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"՞", "՜", "՛", "՟", "և"},
		to   = {"", "", "", "", "եւ"}} }
m["axx"] = {
	names = {"Xaragure", "Xârâgurè"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-cln"}
m["aya"] = {
	names = {"Awar"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["ayb"] = {
	names = {"Ayizo Gbe"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ayd"] = {
	names = {"Ayabadhu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aye"] = {
	names = {"Ayere"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ayg"] = {
	names = {"Ginyanga"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ayh"] = {
	names = {"Hadrami Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ayi"] = {
	names = {"Leyigha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["ayk"] = {
	names = {"Akuku"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-edo"}
m["ayl"] = {
	names = {"Libyan Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ayn"] = {
	names = {"Sanaani Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ayo"] = {
	names = {"Ayoreo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ayp"] = {
	names = {"North Mesopotamian Arabic"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb"}
m["ayq"] = {
	names = {"Ayi", "Ayi (New Guinea)", "Ayi (Papua New Guinea)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ays"] = {
	names = {"Sorsogon Ayta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["ayt"] = {
	names = {"Bataan Ayta", "Magbukun Ayta", "Mariveleño"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["ayu"] = {
	names = {"Ayu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ayy"] = {
	names = {"Tayabas Ayta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["ayz"] = {
	names = {"Maybrat", "Mai Brat", "Ajamaru", "Ayamaru"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["aza"] = {
	names = {"Azha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["azd"] = {
	names = {"Eastern Durango Nahuatl"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "azc-nah"}
m["azg"] = {
	names = {"San Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "omq"}
m["azm"] = {
	names = {"Ipalapa Amuzgo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "omq"}
m["azn"] = {
	names = {"Western Durango Nahuatl"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "azc-nah"}
m["azo"] = {
	names = {"Awing"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["azt"] = {
	names = {"Faire Atta"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "phi"}
m["azz"] = {
	names = {"Highland Puebla Nahuatl"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "azc-nah"}

return m